Usui/Holy Fire® 111 Reiki Seminar & Classes

is a new style of Reiki that is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. It has unlimited potential in terms of healing one’s issues & developing one’s spiritual nature.  It is both powerful and gentle providing purification, healing, empowerment and guidance more deeply and broader on all levels of one’s being.



This is a beginners class introducing one to the easy healing technique for stress reduction and healing-allowing everyone to tap into an unlimited supply of life energy.

Class Consists Of  *Experience (healing)*Placement*Reiki hand positions
*Practice giving complete Reiki treatment for self & others*Japanese Reiki Techniques* *Hayashi Healing Guide*Using Reiki for specific conditions*Lecture*Discussion*Q&A *ICRT Manual*Certificate.  Fee $215.

SAT.  APRIL 6th    9AM – 6PM (PDT)


*Class Requirement: Reiki 1 certificate

This is a deeper level of learning, strengthening and enlightening oneself by healing   more specific to life occurrences.

Class Consists Of  *Experience (healing)*Receiving the Reiki II symbols*Placement *Practice using the symbols*How to use Reiki to heal unwanted habits*Distant healing *Lecture*Discussion*Q&A*ICRT Manual*Certificate. Fee $215.

SUN.  APRIL 7th    9AM – 6PM (PDT)

To Reserve Deposit of half the fee (Venmo/Zelle/Ck) By 2 WKS PRIOR To Class/Balance due before Class

When taking Reiki I & II together in same weekend,
A discounted fee of $405 for both classes is offered.


NOTE:  The following 2 classes are 3 consecutive days each -  Each day of class is building upon the work of the previous day’s Experiences, Placements and Ignitions strengthening and expanding your frequency.


*Class Requirement: Reiki II certificate & have practiced Reiki II for at least 6 months

This third level combines both Advanced Reiki Training and the Master Class. This is both a practitioner and a Master class.  Many transformations will take place within and around oneself developing a stronger channel between the Physical Self & the Higher Self.  One’s personality, ego, emotions and thoughts rise to a higher level of consciousness so that one can view life with heightened awareness and enjoyment (transforming from one’s culturally created self to one’s authentic self). 

Class Consists Of *Experiences (healing)*Master Placement*Practice using the Master symbol for treatments*Receive the Holy Fire system*Receive 4 Ignitions*How to make a Reiki crystal grid*How to give to others & yourself the Experiences/Placements/Ignitions for Reiki Master*The values & spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master*How to teach & develop your Reiki practice*Lecture*Discussion*Q&A*ICRT Manual*Certificate.  Fee $600.

FRI/SAT/SUN  MAY 3/4/5    9AM – 6 PM (PDT)

To Reserve Deposit of $300 (Venmo/Zelle/Ck) By 2 WKS PRIOR To Class. Balance Due Before Class.


*Class Requirement:  Usui/Holy Fire®Reiki Master certificate & have practiced                

Reiki Master for at least 6 months. 

This is an advanced class containing two levels that further enhances one’s skills empowering one as a healing practitioner.  This class is for both a practitioner and a Master class.  First level symbols prepares one to receive deeper healing (past life/deeply seated issues, cellular/karmic levels). Second level symbols are of a higher vibration & more powerful.  They help connect oneself directly with one’s Higher Self working on the soul level.                    
Class Consists Of  *Experiences (healing)*Placements 9 Symbols*Hands on practice using each of the symbols*Karuna Reiki® origin*Explanation of Soul, Spirit, the Heavens, Letting go of Guides*4 Ignitions*Lecture*Discussion*Q&A*ICRT Manual
*Certificate. Fee $600.

FRI/SAT/SUN MAY 31/JUN 1 & 2     9 AM – 6 PM (PDT)

To Reserve/Deposit of $300 (Venmo/Zelle/Ck) By 2 WKS PRIOR To Class. Balance due Before Class.